We do everything so automatically that we have forgotten the poignancy of smell, of physical anguish, of tactile sensations of all kinds. ~ Lygia Clark
Touching the Zone: Meditations in the Studio
Upcoming Summer 2024 - Exact dates and location TBD, Vancouver BC.
This in person 4-week group process will explore the idea of the studio as "the zone", a space where innermost creative wishes are granted, although not from a place of certainty, rather as an invitation to meet the unknown within and from there discover what is calling us to be poured into our work.
The objective of this course is to foster healthy habits in the studio that will lead to finding inspiration in the present moment, and a practice to be able to create from the state where we are, with what we have available and at hand (within us and around us). These habits will function as a tuning fork to discover what creative ideas are truly vibrating with us and our process.
We will explore meditation practices as a way to access creativity, and we will draw inspiration from books "Catching the Big Fish" by David Lynch (2006) and "The Creative Act" by Rick Rubin (2023), as well as from a selected list of films.
I will guide you through a series of creative exercises in multiple mediums, and participants welcome to work on existing projects/ideas or start new ones during the course. You will have space to share and receive feedback about your process, interests, challenges, and ideas.
After experiencing this course you will have gained tools to manage the anxiety that can come with creating work alone. You will have learned practices to gain emotional and conceptual clarity when developing existing or new work.
This in person 4-week group process will explore the idea of the studio as "the zone", a space where innermost creative wishes are granted, although not from a place of certainty, rather as an invitation to meet the unknown within and from there discover what is calling us to be poured into our work.
The objective of this course is to foster healthy habits in the studio that will lead to finding inspiration in the present moment, and a practice to be able to create from the state where we are, with what we have available and at hand (within us and around us). These habits will function as a tuning fork to discover what creative ideas are truly vibrating with us and our process.
We will explore meditation practices as a way to access creativity, and we will draw inspiration from books "Catching the Big Fish" by David Lynch (2006) and "The Creative Act" by Rick Rubin (2023), as well as from a selected list of films.
I will guide you through a series of creative exercises in multiple mediums, and participants welcome to work on existing projects/ideas or start new ones during the course. You will have space to share and receive feedback about your process, interests, challenges, and ideas.
After experiencing this course you will have gained tools to manage the anxiety that can come with creating work alone. You will have learned practices to gain emotional and conceptual clarity when developing existing or new work.